The Mentoring Foundation owns and operates the leading, internationally recognised, FTSE 100® Cross-Company Mentoring Executive Programme.

Our work is at the heart of activity in the UK to help more women reach the very top of large organisations and has a strong history of success. Many of our Mentees go on to be appointed to the Executive Committee of their companies, to be Non-Executive Directors on the Boards of other companies, or otherwise to progress their careers.

We are the foremost provider of bespoke mentoring services to help senior women achieve even greater success, at top executive level and in the Boardroom. See what our Mentees say.
The FTSE Executive Programme is unique in its longevity, with a 21-year track record and proven success. Since its creation, more than 100 Chairs, Chief Executives and other senior leaders have acted pro bono as Mentors.
In addition to this ground-breaking Programme, we enable Mentees to learn from each other as well as from their Mentors.
The Chief Executive of the Foundation, Peninah Thomson OBE, is the author of original research into women’s leadership, including publication of five high-reputation books.
The not-for-profit status of the Foundation ensures that all revenues are reinvested in our work.


"More women on the Boards of our large companies in the UK isn’t going to solve global problems at a stroke, but it will contribute to their solution, by increasing the reservoirs of human ingenuity, imagination, insight and will available to address them."

A Woman’s Place is in the Boardroom: The Roadmap (2008)